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The Arlington Education Association is committed to working together to make APS an even better place to work. As the voice of Arlington County Schools' employees, we work to bring employees thoughts, ideas, and concerns to the forefront. Here are just a few examples of the district-wide concerns we have focused on lately. If something at your worksite could be better, or you have an idea for improving APS, please let us know!


Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining has been an elusive goal, just beyond the reach of VEA members for more than 40 years. Since 1977's ruling by the Supreme Court of Virginia banning the practice of local school boards negotiating contracts with local educators, our Union has created 10-year plans, legislative campaigns, and numerous other strategies in an ongoing effort to regain those rights.

As VEA members who helped make bargaining a reality at last in 2020 and who remain in the fight to implement it can tell you, there are lots of very important reasons why collective bargaining matters.

“Our students, our schools, and our school employees all win with collective bargaining,” says VEA President James J. Fedderman. “It's a benefit for both kids and educators, and a way to identify and solve problems for the betterment of all.”

Learn more about collective bargaining here and by watching the video below.

Collective Negotiations: A "Game-Changer" for Our Public Schools from VEA Communications on Vimeo.

School Budget

Every year, the Arlington Education Association advocates strongly on behalf of all Arlington County Public Schools employees for better wages, working conditions and benefits. This happens through meetings with state legislators as well as advocacy at the local level, speaking at school board meetings and helping make it easy for AEA members to contact their local representatives.

See the latest APS Budget documents here.

Learn about the AEA Budget Committee here.


The Arlington Education Association took a strong stance to help ensure that education professionals did not have to return to school buildings until it was truly safe to do so. Now, AEA is advocating to ensure continued safety for students and all those who work in the school system.